Friday, August 24, 2007

"Smart" might be a stretch
Is it just me or is the Smart Car's fuel mileage underwhelming? Yes, it's cool looking and yes, it goes 90 miles per hour and yes, if you lock your keys inside you can pick it up and put it in your pocket and walk home, but still: 40 mpg? WTF? My Jetta gets 30. How can that tiny Smart Car "fortwo" possibly get only 40? I mean, I am totally down with downsizing. And I love the look of the thing. But why isn't there a 200 mpg car? Now, that would be Smart. Where are the poindexters devilishly handsome, charming engineers without whom we'd be in quite a pickle when it comes to fuel efficiency? We can remove mountaintops to get the coal out, we can dig into the earth's crust to sequester greenhouse gasses, we can fly Stealth bombers into other countries to steal the oil out of their deserts, we can make fuel out of pee, why can't we make a fucking automobile that gets great mileage? And why does anybody need to go 90 miles per hour in any car, let alone a Smart Car, which is essentially two Big Wheels and a Mercedes engine welded together inside an M & M? Going 90 in one of those babies must be like riding on the Hellevator, horizontally. Slow down, smell the tire fires, ride a bike, take public transportation, walk -- and you poindexters devilishly handsome, charming engineers without whom we'd be in quite a pickle, get off your imagination-challenged asses and build a car that makes some sense for the next century before even Smart Cars won't have anything to run on. Please.

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