Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Hey, there's a new issue of Garbanzo! on the e-stands, and it's chock full of tasty chick-peaness. In fact, it puts the peaness in chick-peaness. If you've ever farted into a tape recorder or wished your unsolicited email rhymed (and who among us hasn't?), get on over to the tang magnet a recent press release called "funny and short!"

If you're new to 'zo!, it's a funny little online magazine of humorous poetry, short fiction, and short essays, edited by Fishsticks McQueen and F. Scott Free. The current issue includes poets Catherine Tufariello, Cathy Carlisi, Robin Chapman, and J. D. Nordell; microfiction by Chuck Sweetman; and amoving fart essay by Kelly Robards. There's also Ask the Bean!, "where tough love is doled out by a tender little legume."

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